Putting your people and organization into focus

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TalentValueHRS FREE Membership Includes:

  • Access custom Job Descriptions (JD) created by experts to establish the standards for that position.  A useful guide to doing business the right way.  Each JD can be modified so it accurately reflects the way you do business in your home town.
     A practical and useful street guide to doing business the right way. Each JD can be modified so it accurately reflects the way you want the job to be accomplished.
  • Linked to Learning Checklists (LCL) so your people can be trained for their job and be compliant to your industry standards
  • Linked to a Performance Development Plan (PDP) [a performance review] that’s fair and easy to do.
  • Access an HR Resource Center with hundreds of articles and documents that can help you grow and build your business.
  • A growing HR Learning Center where you can find information to expand your knowledge in the industry.
  • eLearning Portal to license performance development training courses for you and your staff. (License per Course)
  • Conduct an HR Audit of your business to find out where you are vulnerable.
  • Use the Talentvalue HR Return on Investment (ROI) Opportunity Calculator to discover ways to improve bottom line revenue.
  • Access to an HR experts through the HR Question & Answer Center when you are not sure what to do and want some advice.
  • Improve your own Leadership skills through online webinar group Leadership Coaching sessions to focus in on what you need to improve your management and HR skills.

ARA TalentValueHRIS Upgrade Also Includes:

As a TalentValueHRIS Member you will have access to license or purchase all our solutions and technology portals. Membership Fees $25.00/month. Plus set up fee based on your technology set up requirements.

  • OnePost Job Board Services  Find and recruit candidates with this cost effective TalentValue OnePost Services.
  • Applicant Tracking & Management System  Track and manage candidates & save 70% of your recruiting time. (License or A-La-Carte)
  • Job fit Assessment Center  Access your customized HR behavioral assessments. (License or A-La-Carte)
  • Background & Drug Screening Portal  Run Background Checks and Drug Screening Services (A-La-Carte)
  • HRIS / Onboarding Self-service Portal To manage all your on-boarding tasks, forms, I9 Processing and new hire communications. (License Only)
    Manage Compliance with online storage of employee information.
    Provide employees and managers a self-service portal.
  • Leadership Executive Coaching To improve your personal leadership effectiveness. (Fee quoted per Engagement)
  • Become a HR Certified Company  Program to acknowledge all employees who earn HR certification and become recognized as proficient in the skills and behaviors required to perform their job. (Fee based on your company size)