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Creating a strong leadership culture

As the leadership team gets stronger, the ability of the entire organization to function better gets stronger. The end result is a more successful organization that meets the needs of your customers, your employees, the community you serve, your management team and your shareholders.

This is about putting the appropriate organization structure to an organization, but also about how to build relationships within the group and that provides the achievements you want. It about setting the right priorities, creating the right goals, implementing the right plans,  executing against the plan, and measuring the results. The trick is pulling all of the pieces and people together into a single unit and making it work.

So how do you create a great leadership and management team that delivers great results? Charismatic leaders create and maintain a work environment where people are emotionally and intellectually committed to the organization’s goals. They build an energetic and positive attitude in others and inspire them to do their very best. In doing so they create a common sense of purpose where people are more inclined to invest extra energy and even some of their own time in their work. (Leadership Charisma by Haney, Sirbasku, McCann) Is this the kind of exciting organization you want?

Why do people become determined to leave an organization?

  • No one told me how to be successful at my job?
    — Truly lousy supervision that is going nowhere.

    • No one trained me
      — I am not learning what I want.
    • No one thanked me
      — I am not recognized for what I do.
    • No one paid me
      — I don’t see the point of staying here; or in the worst case scenario, just stop trying
      and give up.

Why do they want to stay? 

Leadership is getting people to do what they may not want to do, but will readily do so anyway.  The TalentValue leadership system will focus your efforts to build great leaders and managers. We call this system L.E.A.D and it is organized around The 12 Lessons of Leadership.

1)   Leading – Leaders provide clear and understandable direction and support each and every time to every person with whom they deal.

          #1 – Decide where you want to go

         #2 – Customer Back

         #3 – Know your business

2)   Educating – Leaders allow their people to grow and learn by developing a challenging and creative workplace. They communicate more rather than less.

       #4 – Communicate your message clearly

       #5 – Learn something new each day

       #6 – Courage to tell the truth

3)   Appreciating – Leaders need to appreciate and recognize people for the job they are doing; They say thank you for a job well done

       #7 – Relationships not transactions

       #8 – Passion and Enthusiasm

       #9 – Discipline

4)   Dollarizing – Leaders make sure that their people know they are accomplishing something important. Their people know it is worth the effort they are putting into the job. Dollars are the storehouse of value. Dollarizing puts a value on what we are accomplishing.

       #10 – Do it now!

       #11 – Persistence

       #12 – The power of one person

If you believe you can or you think you can’t, in either case you’re right.

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to be.

What is the next step?

If you want to build a leadership team that delivers results click here on the Leadership Effectiveness. One of our TalentValue advisors will show you how it can all fit together and improve the productivity of each of the leaders on your team.
