Using the WORKER TRAINING SYSTEM to Assure Consistent Results
Workers frequently are taught their job by other workers who were never trained properly. Written instructions are often too complex for the worker to comprehend. The result is workers who cannot do their jobs correctly because they don’t know how. W. Edward Deming
The WORKER TRAINING Systemtm provides in-house teams with a simple methodology to collect and assess fundamental information relating to performing a job. Once the team agrees on how the job can be done “right the first time”, the information is packaged in a multi-media training program for Job Instruction Training or for eLearning modules.
Managers and supervisors want to be sure workers are trained or cross-trained consistently and clearly informed of:
METHOD: What they are supposed to do…where, when and why.
QUALITY: How a process or procedure is performed “right the first time”.
SAFETY: How to do the job without hurting themselves, peers, equipment or the environment.
COMMUNICATION: What communication procedures should be triggered before, during, or after a task.
The challenge: With in-house training programs is the effort to keep them current. Often training materials rapidly become obsolete as operations change through Continuous Improvement. Digital or video multimedia training materials created using The WORKER TRAINING System can be quickly updated any time processes and/or procedures are changed. Need to improve worker training
The WORKER TRAINING System has been successfully used in a variety of applications ranging from heavy machinery operator to construction jobs to self-administering medication; from detecting and repairing gas leaks to packaging food and beverage products.
It works because it… is simple; involves employees ; generates both video and hard copy documentation; uses an Adult Learning repetitive format; is quickly updatable and content emphasis is on Method, Safety, Quality and Communications issues.
An important part of training with multiple trainers is to keep the information delivered consistent among all trainers. In an on-the-job training experience it is practically impossible to keep the delivery of information the same time after time, and trainer after trainer. This assures compliance with your standards.
There are two versions of The WORKER TRAINING System experience:
1. The original experience includes a job demonstration video and workbook designed to emulate the time tested “Job Instruction Training” (JIT) model for on-the-job delivery.
2. The newer approach employ s on-line e-Learning technology to achieve worker job certification.
Quotes from a few customers:
The WORKER TRAINING SYSTEM was a critical element in our plant achieving ZERO turnover and making our new plant profitable (unheard of for a company of our size) in its first year of operation.
Roger Stauffer, Training Manager
It is not unusual to overhear an experienced employee say, “I sure wish that this had been available when I was being trained for my job.”
Shirley Grover, Training Coordinator, Refractory Metals
My business managers are thrilled. One said “We have finally found someone who gets it!!”
Linda King, Education & Development Manager
Contact Us to learn how our Worker Training System will assure training consistency.